Saturday, September 19, 2009


"Baa Baa Black Sheep... A B C D E F G... Da Da! Da Da!" He knows the entire song of Baa Baa Black Sheep. He called Aunt Tee Tee on the phone and left her a voicemail singing that song. I am never going to delete it :) ~Francis 20 months old

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


What a way to spend Labor Day weekend! On Sunday at 6am I woke up to this! I heard a car honking and then heard a popping sound. I woke up and thought what is that noise, so I got out of bed and looked out our bedroom window and this is what I saw...
Tommy called 911 and I grabbed my camera and took pictures. I think we were one of the last neighbors to actually get out of bed. (eventhough it was right in front of our neighbor's house) The fire dept. showed up and four police officers arrived. A policeman told us that it was a stolen vehicle. Why did they choose our neighborhood to abandon it and set it on fire?...who knows! Praise God no one was injured! :)


Yorba Linda, California
Leslie and I
the girls :) Heather, Me, Melinda, and Christin
(There are 10 kids between the 3 of them...praise the Lord!)

Here is a short video of the worship from Friday night.


KiddieCorp sent me to Hollywood to work an event for a few days. It was an experience of a lifetime to say the least! :) I stayed at The Renaissance Hollywood Hotel. I managed the infant program (22 children under the age of 3...oh my!) Yes, I had 7 team members who helped me.
Thanks mom for letting me drive the Mini :)
This was the temperature outside on my drive to Hollywood!
Renaissance Hollywood Hotelour hotel roomHeidi and I at the mall outside our hotel

Family Reunion

In August, we went to my family reunion. The Sanchez family is my mom's grandfather on her mom's side. Did you get that? So, my grandmother's father :)

My great grandmother had 15 children!!! (no multiple births)

my grandmother and a few of her grandchildren

my brother Sean, nephew Francis, sister Nicole, and me :)

my step dad, aunt, mom, and grandma


my mom in Hawaii

my cousin Travis