Saturday, December 29, 2007

Natural History Museum

Tommy and I went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park. Currently, 15 Dead Sea Scrolls are on display, including the oldest manuscript containing the Ten Commandments and a section of the Copper Scroll, the only scroll written on copper.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were initially discovered by Bedouin herders and then by archaeologists between 1947 and 1956 in 11 caves near Khirbet Qumran, on the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea in Israel (See map). Thousands of fragments were discovered and pieced together into over 900 separate documents including biblical books, hymns, prayers, and other important writings.

4Q41-981. A Dead Sea Scroll manuscript. Photo courtesy IAA 4Q41-981. A Dead Sea Scroll manuscript.
Courtesy IAA. Click on image for larger view.

The Dead Sea Scrolls date from 250 BCE to 68 CE. Among them are some 230 biblical manuscripts representing nearly every book in the Hebrew Bible; more than 1000 years older than any previously known copies. There are also apocryphal manuscripts (texts excluded from the biblical canon) previously known only in translation or not at all.

Jars with lids, ©IAA
Jars with lids, © IAA

Most scholars believe the scrolls were copied and composed by a group that broke away from mainstream Judaism to live a communal life at Qumran. This group, known to us from ancient writers, saw themselves as the "true Israel" and viewed those living in Jerusalem, including the priesthood at the Temple, as corrupt. The sectarian scrolls—non-biblical texts—reflect a wide variety of literary genres: biblical commentary, religious legal writings, liturgical (prayer) texts, and compositions that predict a coming apocalypse. They reveal the fascinating transition between the ancient religion of the Bible and Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity.

CoinWhen the Romans invaded Qumran around 68 CE, the community hid their manuscripts in nearby caves. Their brand of Judaism did not survive the destruction, though many of their practices made their way into both Judaism and Christianity.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are widely acknowledged to be among the greatest archaeological treasures linking us to the ancient Middle East, and to the formative years of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Just a glimpse...

Here are some glimpses from our Christmas.

Our nephew, Tommy and I, My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and niece (The Scrap booking Diva's), Santa cake my grandma made, the GPS we got for Christmas, and my grandpa's hand holding the gift he gave my grandma.

...trimming the tree

Here is our second Christmas tree together. We get our tree at Victoria's Garden. It is such a fun experience! Since we didn't get our tree until 1 week before Christmas, it will probably stay up until the first or second week in January. I love the smell of pine.

Tommy surprised me with all these presents! They included a vacuum, dust buster, heaters, Victoria's Secret lotion set and perfume set, clothes, belt, necklace with a beautiful turquoise pendant, and much more!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dancing Elves

Want to see us dancing as elves? This is a very funny sight, so be prepared. We were sent this link by Lenore's parents and thought it was great. Check out the crazy elves.

Friday, December 21, 2007


I took this picture, because I thought it was so adorable. They were just cruisin down the street one day...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Toys for Joy

Tommy's band, Life Spoken For, played at the 11th annual Toys for Joy Christmas Outreach on Friday night. The Rock Church partnered with Calvary Baptist Church in Barrio Logan to put on this event.

Christmas Card

The 5 Amigos!

Over the summer we had family photos taken. Here is a pic of Tommy and his sister and brothers.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

our yard

My husband decided to take advantage of the rain this weekend and bobcat our yard. There are weeds that look like bamboo growing in the ravine behind our house, so he decided to tackle it. I am not sure if the weeds or he won.

Friday, November 30, 2007

report cards

Oh, how I love to do report cards. I am a long term substitute for a 1st grade teacher and we have parent conferences next week. The good thing is that the students leave at 11:20am, but teachers have to stay until at least 2:05 and meet with parents to talk about their child's report card...the life of a teacher.

Friday, November 23, 2007


So, since I am new to this blog trend I just wanted to test some things out. Here are some pictures of our wedding. We don't have any children as of yet, so I will try to make our blog interesting. :)


Friends and Family,

I finally started a blog! My husband and I have our own website, but it's too hard for me to post pictures, so I decided to start a blog.