Sunday, May 18, 2008

something yummy!

I was at Albertsons the other day and found this in the produce section. It caught my eye and I had to buy it for dessert that night. I cut it up in pieces for Tommy and I. It was delicious. The apple was a little tart, but all of the caramel, milk and white chocolate chips topped it off. It only cost $5.00. What's your favorite treat?


Rachel said...

anything chocolate and peanut butter. and costco lemon cake

Anonymous said...

this apple sooo reminded me of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory!! have you been there?? it has great apples covered in all kinds of things from chocolate and nuts to marshmallows and graham cracker!! i love that place!!! :):) the shops are few and far between so whenever i spot one it's such a treat and i love getting one. hope you guys enjoyed this yummy one......
-sabrina :)