Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I am sick again. :\ My profession as a teacher results in sick days. I work with 20 - 6 and 7 year olds who have runny noses, continuous coughs and sneezes, and wipe their boogers on everything! I use antibacterial gel daily on my students and wash my hands whenever I can. This time, I have no voice and cold like symptoms. I worked Mon-Wed. this week without a voice. That was fun! I decided to take Thurs. and Fri. off to recuperate. Monday and Tuesday I felt fine except for the fact that I couldn't talk. Today I woke up with a drip in my throat, sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose. I came home from work and made myself some hot tea. (thanks Rachel for the introduction!) Tommy came home from work today, ate dinner, and now he is at band practice. I am trying to rest, but it is very difficult. I always have to be doing something. For all those people who are sick I pray that you get better, because sick does not = fun. Back to work on Monday. Hopefully my classroom doesn't look like a tornado hit. :)


Anonymous said...

awwwww, lenore. i'm sorry you're sick! rest up and, of course, drink lots of water and tea. don't worry about doing nothing, b/c sometimes you just gotta veg. :)

rachel said...

Sorry you are sick Lenore...I remember that horrible hazard from such a wonderful job. In a couple of years, your immunity will be so strong, you won't ever catch anything; at least that what happened to me :)