Sunday, September 21, 2008


This weekend was very busy. On Saturday, Tommy and I went to the Thunderboat Races with his dad. My friend Kristen was working at the event and gave me two tickets so we could check it out! (Thanks Kristen) We had a lot of fun and even got burned in September...only in San Diego. :)
On Sunday I went to the PKD Walk at Spanish Landing. My friend Andrea planned the event. Her mom has Polycystic Kidney Disease and they are trying to raise money for a cure.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This is my 3rd post today! Tommy loves cinnamon chips from Sombrero's, so I thought I'd make him some. Here's how they turned out...
D E L I C I O U S !

10 Year Reunion

Last night was my 10 Year High School Reunion. It was at The House of Blues downtown. In 10 years many people have gotten married and some have children and there were many that are still single focusing on their careers and waiting for that Mr./Mrs. Right. Overall, everyone looks the same. Here are a few pics from last night.

My friend Jen from high school


My Nephew Francis - 8 months old

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

lunch time

Today I went to the Wild Animal Park with my cousin-in-law and her 4 kids. Right when we went to see the lions they let them out of their behind the scenes enclosure and threw chunks of meat in the grass for them to eat. All 7 of them ran to find their lunch and they were fighting over the meat. You can see in the picture below which cub is the least aggressive. The cubs were born in November 2007. I saw them over Spring Break and they were so cute and little. They have grown a lot!

Where's my meat?

new haircut

My new haircut